Dupa ce candidatul republican la preşedinţia SUA , John McCain, a confundat Spania cu o tara sud-americana, a venit timpul sa sugereze ca America a devenit o inchisoare :D
Calling people at a rally "My fellow prisoners" might mean one of two things. One, he knows something we don't and plans to throw a lot of us in jail after he is elected. Or two, since he likes to constantly throw out that he was a POW, it's now becoming impossible for him to even know when to use it appropriately. http://straighttalkonmccain.blogspot.com/
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Calling people at a rally "My fellow prisoners" might mean one of two things. One, he knows something we don't and plans to throw a lot of us in jail after he is elected. Or two, since he likes to constantly throw out that he was a POW, it's now becoming impossible for him to even know when to use it appropriately. http://straighttalkonmccain.blogspot.com/
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